Boiling Lake Hike
April 21, 2000

The Challengers took me on a trip to Boiling Lake the day before I left Dominica. Unfortunately I only had 12 pictures left in my camera for this incredible five and a half hour hike. Dominica is a volcanic island, and there is still some residual activity in the central part. In order to get to the Boiling Lake, you have to hike through the "Valley of Desolation" - a stretch of steam and water vents in barren sulphur-laden rock. The Valley has 2 major streams in it - a cooler white stream on the left and a hot black stream on the right; they join at the far end of the valley. (The black stream reminded me of the stream in Mirkwood in Tolkein's "The Hobbit", while the entire valley reminded me of the land of Mordor in his later series "The Lord of the Rings". But enough literary allusion, let's get to those pictures!)

Breakfast/Lunch River
We started the hike a little before 8:00 in the morning, and here we are at the "breakfast river". It became the "lunch river" on our return. Left to right are Julius, me, Tony, and Andel.
Guru Cat
Up on top of a ridge after the breakfast river we found a cat waiting for us. We're probably about 2500-3000 feet above sea level here. (started maybe 500-1000 feet above sea level)
More mountains
Some of the mountains rimming the Vally of Desolation.
At the edge of the lake
Andel and I sitting at the edge of a cliff overlooking the Lake. The steam from the lake made the background white. When the wind comes down and blows away the steam you can see the center of this huge lake bubbling like a cauldron. Apparently, in the 1960's, the lake was cool enough to swim in, but now it's much hotter. A few months ago one of the hike guides fell in while trying to retrieve a camera and barely survived.
Mouth of the stream
Hiked down a stream to get to the edge of the lake. When the wind blew our direction we got covered with hot sulphurous steam and had to move away a bit. Left to right are Andel, Axel, Julius, and Tony.
Nature pics
Some moss and plants just upstream from the picture above.
Who forgot the llamas?
Climbing out of the Valley of Desolation on our return trip. The next part was a bit steeper but I was busy climbing and didn't take a picture.
Soaking those tired muscles
Stopped at the "White River" on the way back; it's a hot-tub-temperature stream that is great to soak in. Too bad it's not at the end of the hike.
Hot time in the old river tonight
Tony finds a hotter spot in the stream than he expected.
Guru-cat II
Same cat on the way back. Pretty good life - sitting in the sun at the top of a mountain waiting for hikers to come by and feed you.
Going home
Walking on a wooden pipe to the van. Tony in front, Axel behind. Andel and Julius were already at the van.

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